ALL-TROUT 2003: The Great Rains
Garnet Lake
Agnew Meadows to Garnet Lake via Shadow Lake
August, 2003
Charles, Rick, Steve
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This is one of the few Walking Trout trips without a log. Found in the original tomes are two pages of bullet-point recollections, written in 2004 while sitting in Charles’ truck during a rainstorm (see the 2004 trip summary).
Day 1: The Short Hike to Shadow Lake

Day 2: The Not-So-Short Hike To Garnet Lake

The rain was back, and brought its friends, lightning and thunder, just as we were traversing a barren,
exposed rock-face above the tree line. We were all concerned about the lightning. We walked along hurriedly
in silence, eager to get off the crest, keeping 20 yards or so between us so that a lightning strike hopefully
would take out only one of us.
We found a good camp spot at Garnet Lake, up on a bluff overlooking the lake. It was somewhat protected by
the rain, and we actually pitched our tent on one of the few dry spots in the entire basin. Rick had a touch of
altitude sickness, but we avoided repeating the night-hike as in the 2001 trip.

Day 3: Layover at Garnet Lake

Garnet Lake Camp
(Charles’ Fly Rod In Foreground)

Day 4: The Hike Out