foundation 2013
WALKING TROUT FOUNDATION 2013: Rock Creek LakePalisades Group CampWith trips to the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery, Rock Creek Lake, Mono Lake, Lee Vining and Mammoth September 15-18, 2013 The Campers:…
WALKING TROUT FOUNDATION 2013: Rock Creek LakePalisades Group CampWith trips to the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery, Rock Creek Lake, Mono Lake, Lee Vining and Mammoth September 15-18, 2013 The Campers:…
ALL-TROUT 2011: The Elusive Glacier Big Pine Creek - North Fork:Big Pine Creek Trailhead to Sixth Lake(and Points Intermediate) September 22 – 25, 2011Andrei, Charles, Steve PrologueA short log was kept during this…
Pine Glen Group Camp 2017 With trips to the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery, Rock Creek Lake, Top of Mammoth Mountain, the Devil's Postpile and Alabama Hills August 19-22, 2017 The…
Pine Glen Group Camp 2016 With trips to the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery, Rock Creek Lake, Mono Lake, Top of Mammoth Mountain, the Devil's Postpile and Alabama Hills August 21-24,…
Pine Glen Group Camp 2015 With trips to the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery, Rock Creek Lake, Top of Mammoth Mountain, the Devil's Postpile and Alabama Hills August 18-21, 2015 The…
WALKING TROUT FOUNDATION 2014: Mammoth MountainPine Glen Group CampWith trips to the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery, Convict Lake and the Devil's Postpile September 18-21, 2014 The Campers: Jennifer, Dave, Jayden,…
ALL-TROUT 2014: Showshoes Pear Lake Ski HutMarch __, 2014Charles, Steve THIS PAGE IS STILL BEING WRITTEN - ENJOY THE PICS. IMAGE 1 IMAGE 2 IMAGE 3 IMAGE 4 IMAGE 5…
ALL-TROUT 2014: Three Walking Trout Orientations, Velvet Ants, and a World Cup FinalBishop:South Lake to Treasure LakesJuly 10-13, 2014Liam, Thomas, Jim and CharlesTrailhead Elevation (South Lake) — 9,800'Finish Elevation (Lower Treasure Lakes)…
ALL-TROUT 2012: Hantavirus Yosemite:Tuolumne Meadows to Yosemite Valley(via Cathedral Pass, Sunrise Lakes, and Half Dome) September __, 2012Andrei, Charles, Steve THIS PAGE IS STILL BEING WRITTEN - ENJOY THE PICS. Prologue Day…
ALL-HALIBUT 2012: LeviathanCatalina IslandTwo Harbors to Little HarborMay 4 - 6, 2012Andrei, Charles, Rick, Steve Now wait just a moment. Why in the world are there pictures of Catalina on…